Modern Odinism is based on beliefs and customs that Christianity historically destroyed or adopted.  In today's world most Christians believe their customs and practices are unique and special to their religion, however, you will see from the Odinist and Pagan examples below, that this is not completely true:

  •  The Norse gods and goddesses are multi-layered and have many purposes similar to the Hindu religion.
  •  The stories we tell our children of fairies, elves, throwing money into a wishing well all come from these pre-Christian beliefs.
  •  Married couples today wear a wedding ring, this custom was practiced long before Christianity.  
  •  Pre-Christian pagans were in tune with nature and had a good understanding of lunar movements and a close association with oak trees and mistletoe.

Odinists believe in the following:

  •  The belief that all nature is spirit
  •  Strong moral code
  •  Belief in gods and goddesses


Odinists take notice of the voice of the great nature spirit which is heard in the twittering of birds, thunderstorms, winds, the rippling of the waters and the smell of flowers.  


Odinists today follow the nine noble virtues and charges — courage, perseverance, hospitality, fidelity, industriousness, self-reliance, discipline, truth and honor.  While Odinists do not follow Christianity, many still love the idea of a Jesus concept and believe he would have made an excellent Odinist!


Sexuality and sensuous practices are not banned and are in fact considered gifts that should be cherished and celebrated.  Odinism believes that people are not perfect, but they must always strive to do their best to uphold honor and respect.


The Pre-Christian pagans did focus on the afterlife and their belief is that you attain immortality through deeds, doing what is best for the community, being there for their family and relations, and taking care of the elderly who always stayed with the family.  Our ancestors would be shocked to learn that our elderly today are placed in care homes, as in the past and in many cultures the elderly are welcomed into the family home and assist with the household management and child rearing while the parents are working, hunting, farming etc.